近日,学系邱昱老师的独作论文“The art of jieyuan: ethical affinity and the cultivation of Chinese Buddhist spirituality in Tanzania”在期刊“Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute(简称JRAI)”发表。

“Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute”是世界上最古老的人类学组织的主要期刊,同时位于SSCI人类学类(Anthropology)、艺术与人文类(Arts and Humanities)Q1区,H-INDEX为73。作为人类学领域顶级权威期刊,它聚焦人类学最前沿课题,在国际范围内吸引了广泛的人类学读者,邱昱老师的此次发表实现了国内人类学研究的一次突破。



Ethical encounters in cross-cultural contexts have been a major concern in the anthropology of morality and religion, yet the dominant view assumes that processes of ethical transformation and conversion emphasize the centrality of texts and beliefs. These discussions are influenced by epistemological frameworks associated with Christian theology and practice. Yet studies of other religions have brought about challenges by either doubting whether ‘belief’ still serves as a fruitful analytical tool or stressing the diversity of non-text-driven and multimedia forms of conversion. Based on fieldwork in a Chinese Buddhist monastery in Tanzania, this essay examines how Buddhist monks from China seek to cultivate Buddhist spirituality among Tanzanian locals in an embodied and allegorical way. By ethnographically teasing out the Chinese Buddhist notion of jieyuan, it provides a way of understanding religious suasion not just as a rational and intellectual conversation, but also as a process of embodied illumination that induces gradual, inductive, sympathetic changes in others.



