近日,70net永乐高长聘副教授Kurtuluş Gemici的独作论文“The Place of the Market in Society”在期刊“Politics & Society”发表。“Politics & Society”创刊于20世纪60年代末,是国际政治社会学领域的高水平期刊,同时位于SSCI政治与国际关系大类、社会科学类、社会和政治学大类Q1区,H-INDEX78。



What is the place of the market in society? Polanyi's answer derives from institutional separation and the self-regulating mechanism of supply and demand. In this article, I offer an alternative approach. Following Aristotle, I suggest that commodity fiction follows from the fictitious nature of valuation in the market economy. I then combine this broader definition of commodity fiction with Aristotle's ideas on means and ends of human action, which leads to a framework relating the uniform standard of value in the market economy to commodity fiction and market imperialism. This framework, like Polanyi, underlines the market's subordination of society, but it explains such domination with how the market subverts political deliberation on the allocation of time and resources to distinct objectives in society. The result is a theoretical framework that goes beyond the embeddedness-disembeddedness dichotomy and that emphasizes how the place of the market in society is inextricably a political phenomenon.




Kurtuluş Gemici,70net永乐高长聘副教授,加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)博士。比较历史社会学者,研究领域包括经济社会学、政治经济学和社会学理论。其实证研究涉及国际资本流动、跨国金融一体化、经济危机、经济发展、金融网络和住房制度。他的比较历史分析探究了智利、韩国、土耳其和美国的社会转型。理论研究涉及市场社会学、嵌入性、货币和商品虚构。他曾在 Socio-Economic ReviewTheory & SocietySociological TheoryMobilizationRegional Studies 和 Politics & Society 等权威期刊上发表文章。目前正在完成一本关于新古典经济学起源的著作。
