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征 稿 启 事



l  亲密关系的 (概念化;

l  后社会主义国家中爱、恨和其他情感的语用学和元语用学;

l  跨文化情感的转化;

l  身份表征和表演理论;

l  机器-人类或其他 (人类形式的亲密和互动;

l  情感与流动中的性/性别;

l  科学在调解社会关系中的作用

l  非西方相遇中的身份和交叉性;

l  民族志研究中有关中介 (mediation) 与直观 (immediacy) 之间的矛盾;

l  人际互动和互动主义;

l  全球南方社会里的亲属关系、失范、以及情感劳动分工理论的再思考;

l  中国与非洲的跨区域日常互动。





组织老师:邱昱/Jay Ke-Schutte联合敬上

Call For Proposals


Dear Everyone,


We are pleased to announce our department's new Interactions/Intimacies Workshop (IIW)in the spring/summer term 2024.

The IIW workshop is a theoretical and methodological forum for critical engagement with new or emerging research around social scientific and humanistic themes of social interaction as well as inter-personal intimacy, The particular theoretical and discussion foci of the workshop are the following

l  The (re)conceptualization of intimate relations;

l  Pragmatics and metapragmatics of love, hate, and other affective intensities in post-socialist societies;

l  The translation of feelings across cultures;

l  Theories of identity performance and performativity;

l  Machine-human or other alternative (non)human forms of intimacy and interactions;

l  The gender/sex dimension of motion and emotion;

l  Science’s role in mediating social relations;

l  Identity and intersectionality in non-western encounters;

l  Contradictions between mediation and immediacy in ethnographic research;

l  Dialectics of interaction and interactionism;

l  Critical reconsiderations of theories of kinship, anomie, and the division of affective labor in mass-mediated societies – particularly in the global south.

We welcome proposals for new articles and book chapters, as well as research-related PhD and MA theses in Chinese or in English. Selected proposals will be invited to submit work to the workshop which will then meet and discuss the author’s submission in a supportive and constructive intellectual forum. (Please see details concerning general workshop protocol and goals).

The current deadline for proposals (a 250-300 word abstract/a 400-600 word abstract in Chinese to IIWworkshop@163.com) is January 30th. Successful applicants will be notified soon after that for a cycle of presentations beginning in the middle of March.


We look forward to your contributions and participation in this new intellectual endeavor.


Best wishes,

Chang Xiuci (Coordinator)

Qiu Yu, and Jay Ke-Schutte (Faculty Sponsors of IIW)